Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blog on Leslie's film

The car ride in Leslie’s film is a lot different than my own car ride because I am the one that usually does all the talking. If someone is riding with me, I am always trying to engage in conversation because I like to talk and I think it’s weird when there’s complete silence. To the best of my knowledge the only time when I am not talking in a car ride is when we’re listening to music but other than that, I’m always talking. I lived in Seattle basically all my life and I know this is sad but I have the worst sense of direction and in the film it seems like he's pretty good with his directions.The only time when I have “me” time is when I am driving alone and it is very important for me because this is where I do all my thinking. Every time when I am driving I observe my surroundings and a lot of the time when I see people in the streets I think in my head and wonder where is this person walking to, what is this person thinking, why is this person walking or taking the bus and etc. After writing this post I realized that the only thing I have in common with the driver in this film is that we’re really focused when we drive.

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