Sunday, November 30, 2008


Wow…… I have the worst hangover ever and I can’t believe I’m up because I just came home like five hours ago but I have always been an earlybird anyways. I haven’t gone out for months and the reason why I went out was because it was one of my good friends birthday. I realized that as you get older, you really don’t have the time to hangout with friends like before because everybody have different schedules and priorities. This was the first time that all my friends and I, have been together since our last trip to Vegas in June and even though we haven’t seen each other it seem like we haven’t miss a beat. The reason why I said we haven’t miss a beat is because I thought it would be kind of weird seeing all my friends together because we haven’t all hung out for awhile but I was wrong because we all grew up together and there would always be that chemistry between us

Saturday, November 29, 2008


When I was driving home last night, I noticed that someone sprayed graffiti on a wall of a store next to my house and it reminded me about group 2’s presentation. To me I think when someone graffiti’s in a public place, it is because they want people to see their piece or they want to represent their crew or themselves to a public place. I was one of the person that answered “no” I don’t mind if I see graffiti in a bus stop and “yes” I do mind if it’s in my neighborhood. To be honest I don’t mind seeing graffiti at a bus stop because it’s not my property and it’s typical to see this kind of things in a public place. As for my neighborhood, I would mind because I guess it’s out of the norm and when I do see graffiti it’s always at the store but to the best of my knowledge it’s the only second time that happened. If I lived in downtown Seattle or something I wouldn’t mind because its normal to see graffiti in the city and I guess it really do depends on where you are at because some places it’s considered natural and some places don’t but it really depends on the certain individual to decide on that.
This is not really related but I thought this was a cool graffiti of Tupac that payed tribute to the legendary rapper after his death.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rock on.....

At first I wanted to interview my two little cousins but they were too shy so I had to figure out another way to record them. The reason why I chose my little cousins Ashley and Abby because they come over to my house everyday after school until my aunt comes pick them up. To me I think the sound of a little kids joy and excitement is the most interesting because it brings me happiness when I see the joy on their face. Since they were too shy, I decided to trick them and have them play Rock Band. Rock Band is a game where you can be the guitarist, drummer or the singer in a rock band. As they were playing I secretly recorded them and in this audio you can hear a repeating tumping sound which is the drum and my little cousins talking to each other in joy while playing the rock song. I also cut and added some voices in the background so I guess I say its a remix.
If my audio is not working go to this url
and then you can listen to it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Impossible project

Go watch a movie with a friend and sit in the opposite side of the theater. Then try to talk to each other without trying to disturb the audience.

Listen to your friends fart by putting your ear by the others butt.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Novels In Three Lines

A Contractor in Cleveland found $182,000 in a bathroom wall and did not know how to split the money with the home owner. They were greedy and went to court but the person that originally owns the money found out and now they have nothing.

The Seattle Seahawks lost to the Miami Dolphins in the final minutes of the game by a two point conversion. The Seahawks could not hold on to the lead and they lost another game.

Police in Everett responding to a home burglary and saw a man holding a shot gun and the police told him to put the gun down but refused. Then the police shot and killed the man but later found out he was co owner of the house.

A boarder inspector from Texas is accused of helping to smuggle 3,000 pounds of cocaine to the United States from Mexico in the Past five years. He got caught and faces a 10 year sentence in prison and fines in the millions.

A 36 old year man has been charge for possession of a dangerous dog because his two pit-bulls attacked a 72 year old woman last September and he was also charge for possession of firearm and one count of stolen firearm. If convicted he could face 13 years in prison.

Four people in a minivan crashed in to a steel light pole in the early hours in South Seattle. The police said they were heading south on MLK before losing control of the Van. All four of the people are treated in the Hospital with non serious injuries.

Two teenage kids from Kent could be charge as adults for killing another teen near Boulevard Park last week. One 15 year old teen is being charge for first degree murder and the second 15 year old teen is being charge first degree robbery. The victim was shot in the chest.

A man in Arizona decided to teach his 8 year old son how to shoot a rifle because his family comes from a line of hunters. One day the 8 year old shot and killed his father and his roommate. The reason of the shooting is still unclear.

Blog on Leslie's film

The car ride in Leslie’s film is a lot different than my own car ride because I am the one that usually does all the talking. If someone is riding with me, I am always trying to engage in conversation because I like to talk and I think it’s weird when there’s complete silence. To the best of my knowledge the only time when I am not talking in a car ride is when we’re listening to music but other than that, I’m always talking. I lived in Seattle basically all my life and I know this is sad but I have the worst sense of direction and in the film it seems like he's pretty good with his directions.The only time when I have “me” time is when I am driving alone and it is very important for me because this is where I do all my thinking. Every time when I am driving I observe my surroundings and a lot of the time when I see people in the streets I think in my head and wonder where is this person walking to, what is this person thinking, why is this person walking or taking the bus and etc. After writing this post I realized that the only thing I have in common with the driver in this film is that we’re really focused when we drive.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Starting to like the same thing as......

When I was driving home a couple of days ago, for some reason I started to think about the Andy Warhol book we read last week. What stood out to me the most is when he said something about how couples do become like each other when they’re together for a long time. I have to agree with Warhol because it’s true. I noticed that my girlfriend and I are starting to like the same things. I have been with my girlfriend for the past three years and we are the complete opposite. For example, before I met my girlfriend's toy Pomeranian, I use to hate dogs for some reason but now I don’t mind them at all and I think it’s because I was not open about it until understood the joy of being around a dog. I thought this was the best example because I was not a dog person but now I understand the joy in having a dog. This also goes with your friends too because you're always around them and they might expose you to new things in life that you didn’t like in the past.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new era

This morning I went to vote and I thought it was exciting because it was my first time voting. To be honest, I did not know what the outcome was going to be because I thought the United States was not ready for a change. Just about an hour ago my girlfriend called me and said Obama won the presidential election and I was shocked (in a good way) because the United States is going in a different direction and it's definately a year of change.For example, this year the presidential election was out of the norm because we had an African American male running for president and also a female who tried to run. It shows that the United States is ready for a change. In the past and just a couple of hours ago I did not think I would see a minority as our president.I’m glad I witness this historical event because it gives people hope of reaching their dreams and never in a million years I would think this would happen.