Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Think and write like Warhol and Goldsmith

Andy Warhol style
Who would want to buy a stylish I phone carrying case and the only people that would buy it is the one that really care about their cool objects. I bet they try so hard to keep up with the latest electronics and I guess they want other people to think that they are so fashionable. Looking at the 1960s gift basket brought back a lot of memories, I remember when a lot of people in the 60s did not care about their hygiene’s. How can people wear leather and suede during that and not take that many showers and their underarm would smell. To me the regular blue jeans were the best. These new expensive shoes and clothes do not make people because the people make the clothes and shoes. I don’t understand why people would go out their way and try to find the cheapest and most fashionable clothes and shoes and try to be in the “in crowd”. The people who see them will think in their head and say “Look at them they are trying so hard to look good and I bet they took a long time doing so”. Do people really need all the latest electronics and clothes in life and what is the real reason why they want it? Is it to put on a show for other people?

Kenneth Goldsmith style.
Uh people need and should buy an I pone carrying case because they do not want to drop their expensive phone and they should be prepared for the worst. If you want the best deals on the latest clothes, shoes and electronics they should go on and get the latest discounts. If you go get the new Playstation 3 you should be prepared to have a lot of fun. Save money on when you purchase the Kenneth Cole Reaction accessories because it is a great deal. The next great deal of the day is gemstone rings and if it’s under a hundred dollars and you can take an extra 30% off the original price. Other great savings this week are the Video games and hard drives. Some other popular video game accessories that are on sale are the Wii remote control, Mario Kart with the wheel and the Nintendo DS. You can continue to shop for these items for the rest of the week. Other top sellers of the week are books and it is updated hourly. Be prepared to check back next week for the latest saving.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Martin Arnold film

This got to be one of the weirdest films I have ever seen in my life. My first impression was that I thought the tape or DVD was in bad condition and it was just skipping and repeating on its own. As the film was playing it seem like the dad was pounding on the table to go with the beat then it looks like he was scratching a record on a turntable like a DJ would do. After watching this film in class and in YouTube I realized that people can have different perception of things because people see things differently in life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Off the top in class activity 10/22/08.

What is this guy talking about and what is he holding in his hand. Who are all these people? I guess this guy must be important because he has a huge audience listing to him. Wow….. I don’t even know what I am doing to honest with you. I guess I have to write about this picture. I think this picture was taking in the early 1960s because it is still in black in white but I could be wrong because I don’t know even know when color photos were created. When I copy this picture from the website, I thought I saw something about how this picture was taking in a museum. This guy could be a teacher and I guess he’s teaching his class.

I am looking at a diorama but I can’t really tell what they are doing. What I know for sure is that the lady to my left is setting next to her bed and the lady to my right is also sitting next to a bed but she has a child on it. To me the woman in the left is taking care of her children because she just is I guess. Is that Abraham Lincoln to my far left, man this is getting weirder by the second and do I see a small version of Abraham on my left . Oh well, I guess I have to keep typing about this picture but I do for sure is that whoever did this diorama sis a hell of a job because it looks almost real. Man…. I type so slow compared to my other classmates because just the keyboard

Did these guys just kill the elephant! I just see them cleaning it and stuff and why did they do it. This is an odd picture because I have never seen a skinless elephant before. I just noticed something too and why is all the pictures in black and white. I am speechless about this picture because I do not know what to write about. I feel like I am in a weird movie right now because this is a random activity to do. I wonder how these guys killed the elephant, did they shot it or did they inject it with something. What happened to the ivory, I bet this greedy ass punks killed it for the ivory.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Un Chien Andalou

I thought this film was odd but interesting because we couldn’t hear anybody talk but the music played a huge role because it kind of narrated the film and it also helped me get in to it more. The film caught me off guard when I saw a couple of violent scenes and the music in the background didn’t give me the heads up like other traditional films when something bad was going to happen. The part that stood out to me the most was when one of the guys towards the end magically had two guns and how he started to shoot the other guy. It stood out to me because it just randomly happened and the two paper thing he was holding just turned in to guns.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life is like rewind movie

After filming myself driving to school this mourning I realized that life is like a rewind movie because most people have a set routine throughout the week. For example, most people work or go to school the same time everyday from Monday through Friday and they usually do the same routine before they go to school, work or whatever they have to do. I just thought it was kind of weird thinking about it because my life is so predictable from Monday to Friday but on the weekends it’s a different story. Since something is wrong with this audio, you can picture yourself in my position and think about whats going on in your head when you're driving to your destination.

The Video Game

Monday, October 13, 2008


I chose the game basketball because it’s just like life because you have to practice in order to get better unless you’re like a superhuman or something. There is no “I” in basketball because it’s a team game and in life you have to learn how to work with others because it’s apart of our everyday life. In life you’re always going to win some or lose some just like basketball and you have to live and learn from it. This game represents me because it’s a people’s game and I am a people’s person. The goal in basketball is to make the ball into the basket and my goal in life is to ball out!
FYI: In slang terms ball out means making a lot of money or having a lot of money.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am so happy I just finish my argumentative essay and it took me the whole weekend just to write 4 pages. I can safely say this is the hardest paper I ever wrote and I just took my senior seminar class last summer that was required to write 20 pages! To be honest, I really did try my best but I don’t even know if I wrote the paper correctly because the material was so hard to understand. Anyways I have about an hour and five minutes left to enjoy the rest of my weekend and I guess I’ll just see you guys tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My hard essay

Man….. I am having such a hard time writing this argumentative essay about Plato, Sophocles and Marcus Aurelius. The problem is I don’t know where to start and I am still kind of lost even though I did all the readings. To me I think the reason why I’m having a hard time is because I don’t have ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE about ancient Greece and the literature. I guess I can kiss my weekend good bye!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

My "Everyday" quote

I thought the reading was kind of hard because I had to go over some of the pages a couple of times to understand it but otherwise it was very interesting. The quote I chose is on page 26

“To begin with, everyday life does not exist as generality. There are as many everyday lives as there are places, people and ways of life. Everything is not the same in Timbuktu, in Paris, in Theran, in New York, in Buenos Aires, in Moscow in 1990, in 1960. In fact what do the world mean? Whatever is represented on a daily basis?

I thought this quote was good because it gave me my current theory of what is the everyday life. Everybody in this world have a different everyday life because we are different people by having a different religion, up bringing, social class, education, motivation, ethnicity, jobs and personality. We may have stuff in common or like the same things but we encounter a different everyday life because every individual lives a certain lifestyle. We are all humans and have been produced the same but we live life differently from one another.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a way to start my weekend!

Before I start on my homework ,I wanted to post a blog about how unlucky I was last night. Just a few days ago my little brother just turned 21 and my three older sisters and I decided to celebrate his birthday at Muckleshoot Casino because he likes to play poker. I thought it was a good idea until I lost some money. It was bothering me all morning because I could have used the money to buy a pair of shoes or something but I guess its okay because my little bro had fun. I should of listened to myself and not play and now I have to finish my homework with less money in my pocket. Haha.