Friday, September 26, 2008

20 Minutes of Nothing

I just finished doing 20 minutes of nothing and it was harder than I thought because I am the type of person that can not sit still and do nothing for more than 10 minutes. I kept on looking at my phone and wishing that the time would go by faster so I can get on with the rest of the day. Suddenly I thought to myself I can use this time to mentally plan out my weekend because I have nothing else to do for the next 18 minutes. In my head I thought to myself, if I want to enjoy this coming weekend, I have to finish all my homework by today because I have a couple of birthday parties I have to attend tomorrow. On Sunday I HAVE to tailgate and watch football with the boys. Out of no where, I took a glace at my phone and I only had 3 minutes left and I was so happy but for some odd reason I knew I was forgetting something and then I remembered I had a dinner and movie date with my girlfriend tonight.

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